Torsdag 24.9.20
Design Matters
Scrappy Creative. Real Fake. Next Gen Design. These are the themes of this year’s Design Matters conference—a global design event with a distinctly cool and laid-back Copenhagen feel. The two-day conference kicks off its sixth edition on September 23 at Copenhagen Contemporary, in the city’s dynamic Refshaleøen district, with a lineup of leading international creatives sharing their perspectives and expertise on digital design.
Design Matters is a two-day conference. Every year the conference revolves around a number of main themes. On each day of the conference, one primary track and six nerd tracks are available. While the primary track always focuses on the main themes, the nerd tracks may diverge from the themes and dig deep into a particular topic for a niche crowd – be it through a talk, workshop or moderated discussion.
Learn more about Design Matters here.
Get your ticket here.
Det sker
De næste 7 dage på Copenhagen Contemporary