Fredag 8.12.23 15:00 - 19:00
CC SETS x Dinesen: julebal
Er det svært at komme julestemning? Så har CC SHOP & Dinesen løsningen.
Vær med til at åbne portene til nisseland, når CC i samarbejde med Dinesen inviterer til julestue i vores nyåbnede julemarked. Find nissehuen frem og forbered sanserne på duften af træ, nybagte brunkager, fadøl og glögg i snesvis.
Hvis det ikke skulle være nok, så forvandler musiker og lydkunstner, Clarissa Connelly (Warp Records) CC’s foyer til skots dansemesse. Find danseskoene frem og bliv til stjernen rundt om træet.
Kom tidligt og gå på opdagelse i CC SHOP x DINESEN JULEMARKED og se de nye hyttemodeller lavet af studerende fra Kalundborgs nye arkitektskole.
Vi glæder os til at danse december måned igang sammen med jer.
Julemarkedet arrangeres af CC, Dinesen, ORBI, Arkitektuddannelsen i Kalundborg & Clarissa Connelly.
About ORBI
ORBI facilitate residency stays, workshops and summer, spring, fall and winter schools for architects, artists, graphic designers, agronomists, farmers and related professional groups, including students. There is an emphasis on exchange between different professional spheres.
About Clarrisa Connelly
Clarissa Connelly is a Copenhagen-based producer, composer, vocalist, and multi-instrumentalist, and has recently joined Warp Records family. Providing a moment of serenity and bright joy, Connelly is an artist whose music cuts through the chaos.
About The Royal Danish Academy, Kalundborg, bachelor’s programme City and Country:
This summer, the Royal Danish Academy established a new architectural education in Kalundborg. It is located in a disused station building from 1960.
Beginnings have a special energy because they are vulnerable and probing. That which is unestablished is searching and open to connections. A new school should, in our eyes, present its own formation as a common, open and caring problem. It should use the question of itself, of ‘schooling’, didactically, ethically and artistically. With the vulnerability of emergence also comes an incentive for care, responsibility and personal empathy among those involved. A school is an opportunity to develop, train and pursue such an incentive structure – also in relation to our global vulnerability.
Mere info
Julebar, æbleskiver, hygge og glögg
Folkedans: danseworkshop ved Clarissa Connelly
God weekend og god jul
Arrangementet er gratis
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