Thu 20.2.25 18:00 - 21:00
Engagement with Emma Holten – secure your ticket
We often experience a long waiting list when Emma announces her guest. Therefore, we recommend securing your ticket while available.
Price: 200 DKK plus entrance fee or CC membership.
Emma Holten is an expert in posing critical societal questions, whether about culture or economics, and both the theme and guest are selected by Emma herself each time.
However, it’s not just Emma Holten and the evening’s guests influencing the conversation’s flow and content – you do too. Join us in steering the discussion in a new direction, back to its origins, or completely flipping it upside down, as we distribute small conversation cards in true elementary school style to guests and the host.
More info
Kl. 18.00 – 19.00 Check in and pick up by the CC Foyer + bar and seating opens
Kl. 19.00 Talk Guest TBA
Kl. 20.00 Bar + mingle
Kl. 21.00 CC Closes
Price: kr. 200 + membership or entrance ticket.
Your ticket gives you access to CC on the day from 11:00. We think you should come a few hours before we start and explore the exhibitions.