10.9 - 8.11.20
A thousand mails from Trump
Over the past four years, the Danish politician Uffe Elbæk has received personal greetings from the American president, Donald Trump, several times a week – sometimes even several times a day. They came in the form of e-mails from Trump, his family, or top political staff. Uffe Elbæk never discovered how exactly he ended up on Trump’s list of e-mail recipients, but he nevertheless began to read them because their content is so very different from our way of communicating politically in Denmark.
In the thousands of e-mails, Uffe Elbæk has, over the years, been invited to attend particularly important public events where the president was speaking. He has even been promised a place of honour right up front, close to the stage – if he would be so kind as to donate a sum in support of the Trump campaign.
Once or twice, Elbæk even received a personal invitation to attend a private dinner at the presidential resort in Florida. In addition to this, there were endless offers of buying unique Trump T-shirts, caps, and coffee mugs. Via the continuous flow of e-mails, Elbæk was able to follow Trump’s relationship with his political adversaries, the media, and with China – a relationship characterised by fierce criticism, nicknames, the disclosure of stories which the president wrote off as fake news.
Over the next couple of months, you will be able to read a selection of the innumerable e-mails in CC’s foyer and explore Trump’s campaign communication.
I de mange tusind e-mails er Uffe Elbæk gennem årene blevet inviteret med til særligt vigtige offentlige arrangementer, hvor præsidenten skulle tale. Han er endda blevet lovet en hædersplads helt oppe foran, tæt på scenen – hvis han altså bare ville indbetale et støttebeløb til Trumps kampagne. En enkelt gang eller to har Elbæk ovenikøbet fået en personlig invitation til at deltage i en privat middag på præsidentens resort i Florida.
Dertil kommer endeløse tilbud om at købe unikke Trump T-shirts, kasketter og kaffekrus. I den lange strøm af e-mails har Elbæk også kunnet følge med i Trumps forhold til sine politiske modstandere, til medierne og Kina – et forhold, der er præget af hård kritik, øgenavne og afsløringen af historier, som præsidenten udpeger som fake news.
I CCs foyer kan du de næste par måneder læse et udvalg af de mange mails og gå på opdagelse i Trumps kampagnekommunikation.