Support CC

Your support makes a big difference for CC and for the arts.

CC is a non-profit organization, which means that all our financial resources go directly to the arts and social projects. We are dedicated to developing the art institution of the future and creating a leading venue for contemporary art in Europe. Our mission is to participate in the global artistic conversation, grounded in Copenhagen’s unique creative spirit.

CC is non-profit

This means that your contribution goes towards the art and social projects

Why your support matters

Your support is crucial for us to continue our work and bring contemporary art closer to everyone. Donations help us develop our exhibitions, support emerging artists, and carry out social projects that make art a natural part of everyday life for future generations.

How you can support us

Support us with just 200 DKK

Even a small amount can make a big difference. With a donation of 200 DKK, you can help create unique art experiences and support our work. Your donation is tax-deductible, which means you can receive a tax deduction for your contribution

CC is non-profit

This means that your contribution goes towards the art and social projects

What we do

What's on

The next 7 days at Copenhagen Contemporary