
CC Studio is the name of Copenhagen Contemporary’s initiative for art mediation and learning. It is both a physical space at CC and a concept that describes our approach to art mediation throughout the art center. It is also a workshop where you can immerse yourself, explore materials, discover new things, and think.
Find us on the first floor, where we have creative workshop spaces, exhibition halls, and specially designed areas for learning, relaxation, and reflection.
At CC, we create exhibitions that you can experience with your whole body and hopefully find inspiring. Art that might prompt you to ask questions, think, laugh, play, discuss, and get to know others. We value conversation and the exchange of experiences and thoughts.
Community is the focal point of CC Studio. Our facilities, materials, and activities are developed to bring children, young people, and adults together. New communities take shape, and we believe that existing communities are strengthened when we meet through creative and physical activities in the exhibitions.
Every day, we see that art is a unique starting point for learning and a fun and inspiring framework for activities, play, and conversation. Working with art can make us active citizens and encourage us to engage with the world around us.
CC is an art center designed to welcome guests of all ages. If you are not used to visiting exhibition venues, we are happy to give you ideas on how to experience the house and the art together. Our goal is to give everyone the opportunity to engage with art in an engaging and informal way.
Educational courses
Exhibition hosts
In all the art center’s opening hours, our team of dedicated exhibition hosts is ready to welcome you in all our exhibitions. The exhibition hosts provide an informal encounter with the art and are available if you want to learn more about the exhibitions and CC. Together, you can learn, reflect, and explore the art. Feel free to ask them any questions as you encounter them around the exhibition halls.
The Project Art Works Method
I forbindelse med vores nuværende udstilling ‘Residential’ har kunstnerkollektivet Project Art Works aflært CC deres kreative og engagerende metoder til samskabelse af kunst. Som resultat af dette inviterer CC i løbet af 2024 forskellige grupper af børn, unge og voksne med neurodivergens, funktionsnedsættelser og diagnoser fra lokalområdet og København omegn til gratis kreative workshops, på CCs lukkedage.
De lukkede kreative workshops er støttet af Bikubenfonden
In connection with our current exhibition ‘Residential,’ the artist collective Project Art Works has taught CC their creative and engaging methods for co-creating art. As a result, CC is inviting various groups of children, young people, and adults with neurodivergence, disabilities, and diagnoses from the local area and Greater Copenhagen to participate in free creative workshops on CC’s closed days, throughout 2024.
The closed creative workshops are supported by Bikuben Foundation.