Act Two


On 27 June, Copenhagen Contemporary invites you to attend a performance in the exhibition I Have Grown Taller from Standing with Trees by the Swiss artist Claudia Comte.

This performance is the second of three site-specific performances created exclusively for the exhibition at CC in collaboration with the internationally acclaimed choreographer Kiani del Valle, the musician Egon Elliut, and Claudia Comte. At the opening of I Have Grown Taller from Standing with Trees, Kiani del Valle danced the first performance entitled Act One amongst the forty-five giant tree trunks in the exhibition where her movements and Egon Elliut’s music sought to interpret the animals of the forest. Comte is interested in the way we might interpret nonhuman movement as an empathic attempt to grasp or embody another being. In act two the movements of a collective or the herd will be explored.

On Thursday 27 June, there will be an opportunity to become part of the second performance, Act Two, in I Have Grown Taller from Standing with Trees. The boundaries between audience and performers become fluid when visitors are invited to join in the dancing. Before the performance, the choreographer Kiani del Valle will arrange a special workshop in the exhibition where she teaches bodily interpretation of the movements of wild animals through dance. After that, those attending the workshop will dance together with Kiani del Valle in the exhibition, which is open to the public.

Everyone is welcome – whether as participants or members of the audience!

More info


If you would like to attend the workshop and take part in Claudia Comte’s performance with Kiani del Valle, please register via this link (participation is free of charge): Link

Please note: a maximum of forty people can take part in the workshop and the ensuing performance. Participants should wear black clothes. There is free admission to CC for all participants in the workshop.

The workshop will start at 17.30 in the exhibition, and it is possible to watch the process as a regular guest at CC.


Everyone is welcome to come and experience the performance in Claudia Comte’s 1100 sq. m installation I Have Grown Taller from Standing with Trees: Act Two with music byEgon Elliut and dance by Kiani del Valle and members of the audience. Free once the admission fee has been paid. The performance starts at 18.15.

Practical information

What: Workshop
When: 27 June at 17.30-18.15
Where: CC
Who: Claudia Comte/Kiani del Valle/Egon Elliut
Register here: Link

What: Performance
Where: CC
When: 27 June at 18.15-18.30
Price: Free once the admission fee has been paid

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The next 7 days at Copenhagen Contemporary