13.4.25 - 1.3.26
CC Create x Monster Chetwynd
About the exhibition
In 2025, CC is launching a brand new education concept, CC Create, transforming CC’s Hall 4 into an 800 m2 open studio for all our visitors. At one point in its history, the hall was used as a studio for set painters from the Royal Theatre. The space will now return to a creative studio buzzing with production.
In 2025, the world-renowned British performance artist Monster Chetwynd (b. 1973) will turn the hall into a spectacular universe, where visitors can express their creativity and engage in collective learning through play and artistic exploration inspired by Chetwynd’s own method. CC’s Create project reflects a cohesive vision to promote the creative self-esteem of kids and teens in a highly collaborative setting. Specially trained facilitators will be on hand to help visitors get started.
The exhibition at CC will feature a monstrous installation focusing on collaborative co-creation, giving visitors a chance to make their mark in all sorts of ways.
About Monster Chetwynd
Chetwynd’s art practice spans a variety of media, including installation, performance, film and painting. The artist’s work is famously playful and effervescent, mixing the glamorous, grotesque and nightmarish. Chetwynd and their performers hand-fabricate costumes, masks, props and set designs, often from recycled materials, embracing a DIY aesthetic. Chetwynd invites visitors to take part in collaborative projects bursting the conventional boundaries between artists, artwork and audience.
About CC Create
CC Create is Copenhagen Contemporary’s new exhibition format, where art and creativity melt together. Inspired by the building’s history as a former atelier for the Royal Danish Theatre’s set painters, the 800-square-meter Hall 4 is transformed into an artistic laboratory. Here, both children and adults can play, experiment, and become co-creators of art.
Monster Chetwynd is the first artist in the series, launching CC Create with an installation that encourages the audience to dare to embrace the monster – and perhaps discover a new side of themselves in the process.
…CC Create is much more than an exhibition. It is also:
- A creative workshop for CC guests of all ages, guided by our skilled hosts. Freely accessible during all opening hours. The workshop is specially developed for CC by Monster Chetwynd.
- Crea Crea – The School of Art & Strength, a new after-school program every Thursday for children aged 7-11. Read more here.
- Educational programs in creativity, available for booking by school classes. Find more information here.
- Workshops in creativity and innovation for businesses and other groups.