Yet, it Moves! Exhibition Opening Party


Join us when CC invites you to the opening party for the pioneering exhibition Yet, it moves! where art and science collide.

We celebrate the research-based group exhibition we have created together with a stellar array of Danish and international researchers and artists who investigate the universe’s only constant: Movement!

Everything moves! Even the things we see as stable are in constant motion – above, within, and around – this is especially true on this dazzling evening, where we invite you to a free glass to the first, speeches, dynamic DJ sets byHasfeldt and Xenia Xamanek as well as a vibrating live performance by the highly acclaimed Astrid Sonne.

Experience the universe’s complex patterns of movement unfold as we celebrate the opening of the exhibition on Thursday 11 May from 17.00.

More info


There is free admission to CC on the occasion of the opening. The exhibitions are open until 21.00, after which the festivities continue in CC’s Foyer and café, Connie Connie.


17.00 Welcome glass
18.00 Opening speeches 
18.15 The doors to the exhibition open 

19.00 Hasfeldt (DJ set) 
21:00 Exebitions closes and concert by Astrid Sonne 
22:00 Xenia Xamanek (DJ set) 
00:00 Thanks for tonight 

Many of the participating artists and researchers will be present during the evening.

We are looking forward to seeing you!



Over two years, specially selected artists have been working with some of the world’s most prominent research institutions. Now, the result is a range of spectacular works unfolding the theme of motion as an omnipresent phenomenon and raising our awareness of the many complex movement patterns we are all entangled in. Nothing stands still. Even things we consider immutable are in constant motion – within, above and all around us. Motion is a fundamental premise of everything in the universe, from the tiniest atomic particles to the human body and the macrocosm of the stars. Recognized in glimpses, this greater, moving whole is embodied in spectacular artworks giving shape and form to complex phenomena like black holes, star formation and gravitational waves – from the macro scale of the expanding universe to the micro scale of atomic explosions and particle.


Ryoji Ikeda, Jakob Kudsk Steensen, Jenna Sutela, Ligia Bouton, Helene Nymann, Nina Nowak, Jens Settergren, Black Quantum Futurism, Cecilia Bengolea, Cecilie Waagner Falkenstrøm and Nora Turato.

Read more about the exhibition here: YET, IT MOVES! 

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