Summer Workshop: Shadow Machines


Do shadows have colours? And how many shadows can a shadow machine produce?

Every weekend during the summer holidays, we will make shadow machines in the workshop at Copenhagen Contemporary. Here you are invited to find and shape objects and move your body to light sources that are static and dynamic. We go shadow hunting at CC, so we can catch shadows and capture them by drawing them, take photos of them and designing objects where we can predict its shadows. We will use recycled materials to build our own shadow machine. The recipe is simple; there must be a light source and something that casts a shadow.

Our workshop facilitators will help you and inspire artistic activities. Everyone is welcome and the activities are always suitable for both children and adults.

Participation is free after paid admission to CC, and registration is not required.

The workshop is open every weekend from 11-17.30.

We can’t wait to see you!

What's on

The next 7 days at Copenhagen Contemporary