Engagement with Emma Holten and Lucia Odoom


Price DKK 200 plus admission or CC membership.

Emma Holten is an expert in asking socially critical questions, whether it’s about culture or economics, and both theme and guest are selected each time by Emma Holten herself.

Tonight’s guest Lucia Odoom is known as a radio host on Det Elektriske Barometer and P6 Beat, as well as a writer and podcast host on Politiken’s Pop Tillæg and not least as an author, with two well-reviewed publications behind her.

Look forward to an evening with two of Danish culture’s strongest women.

However, it’s not only Emma Holten and the evening’s guests who influence the course and content of the conversation – you do too. Help move the conversation in a new direction, back where it came from or turn it completely upside down when we send out little conversation notes to guests and host in the best elementary school style.


18.00 – 19.00 Check-in and pick-up at the CC Foyer desk + bar and seating is open

19.00 Talk Emma Holten and Lucia Odoom

20.00 Bar + mingle

21:00 CC closes

You must show your ticket + membership card at the entrance.

Your ticket gives you access to CC on the day from 11 am. We think you should come a few hours before we start and explore our exhibitions.

The talk will be in danish.

Photo Carolina Ahrenkiel

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Engagement with Emma Holten and Lucia Odoom

Buy tickets for

Engagement with Emma Holten and Lucia Odoom

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